
Woodson, CB, DR Webster, MJ Weissburg, and J Yen. 2008. The prevalence and implications of copepod behavioral responses to oceanographic gradients. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 831-846. [PDF]

Vattam, Swaroop, Michael Helms, Ashok Goel, Jeannette Yen & Marc Weissburg. Learning About and Through Biologically Inspired Design. To appear in Proc. Second Design Creativity Workshop , Atlanta, June 22, 2008. [PDF]

Helms, Michael, Swaroop Vattam, Ashok Goel, Jeannette Yen & Marc Weissburg. Problem-Driven and Solution-Based Design: Twin Processes of Biologically Inspired Design. To appear in Proc. ACADIA-2008 , Boston, October 2008. [PDF]

Yen, J. & M.J. Weissburg. 2007. Perspectives on biologically inspired design: introduction to the collected contributions. Bioinsp. Biomim. 2: DOI 10.1088/1748-3190/2/4/E01 [PDF]

Woodson, CB, DR Webster, MJ Weissburg, and J Yen. 2007. Cue hierarchy and foraging of calanoid copepods:ecological implications of oceanographic structure. Mar.Ecol. Progr. Series 330: 163-177. [PDF]

Heuch, PA, MH Doall, and J Yen. 2007. Water flow around a fish mimic attracts a parasitic and deters a planktonic copepod. J. Plank. Res.29 (SUPPL. 1): i3�i16. [PDF]

Catton, Kimberly, Donald R. Webster, Jason Brown, and Jeannette Yen. 2007. Quantitative analysis of tethered and free-swimming copepodid flow fields. J. Exp. Biol. 210: 299-310. [PDF]

Yen, J., K.D. Rasberry, and D.R. Webster: 2008. The effect of turbulence on copepod swimming kinematics. J. Mar. Systems. 69: 283-294. [PDF]

Woodson, CB, DR Webster, MJ Weissburg, and J Yen. 2005. Response of copepods to physical gradients associated with structure in the ocean. Limnol. Oceangr.50(5): 1552-1564. [PDF]

Yen, J. 2005. Autobiographical Sketches of Women in Oceanography. Oceanography 18:243. [PDF]

Goldthwait, Sarah, Jeannette Yen, Jason Brown, and Alice Alldredge. 2004. Quantification of marine snow fragmentation by swimming euphausiids. Limnol. Oceanogr. 49: 940-952. [PDF]

Yen, J., A. Prusak, M. Caun, M. H. Doall, J. Brown, and J.R. Strickler. 2004. Signaling during mating in the pelagic copepod, Temora longicornis. Ch. 10, In: “Scales in aquatic ecology: measurements, analysis, modelling“, Editor: L. Seuront and P. Strutton. CRC Press. [PDF]

Banas, N.S., D-P Wang, J. Yen. 2004. Experimental validation of an individual-based model for zooplankton swarming. Ch. 11,  In: “Scales in aquatic ecology: measurements, analysis, modelling“, Editor: L. Seuront and P. Strutton. CRC Press. [PDF]

Webster, D.R., A. Brathwaite, J. Yen. 2004. A Novel Laboratory Apparatus for Simulating Isotropic Oceanic Turbulence at Low Reynolds Number. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 2: 1-12. [PDF]

Yen, J., J. Brown, and D.R. Webster. 2003. Analysis of the flow field of the krill, Euphausia pacifica. Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology 36 (4): 307-319. [PDF]

Yen, J. and A. Okubo. 2002. Particle and prey detection by mechanoreceptive copepods: A mathematical analysis. Spec.Issue: Progress in Zooplankton biology: Ecology, Systematics, and Behavior. Hydrobiologia 480: 165-173. [PDF]

Fields, D.M., and Yen, J. 2002. Fluid mechanosensory stimulation of behavior from a planktonic marine copepod Euchaeta rimana Bradford.J. Plankton Res. 24: 747-755. [PDF]

Doall, M. H., J. R. Strickler, D. M. Fields, J. Yen. 2002. Mapping the free-swimming attack volume of a planktonic copepod, Euchaeta rimana.  Marine Biology (2002) 140: 871-879. [PDF]

Okubo, Akira, Robert A. Armstrong, and Jeannette Yen. 2001. Diffusion of “Smell” and “Taste”: Chemical Communication. pp. 107-126. In Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Modern Perspectives, Akira Okubo and Simon A. Levin, eds. New York, Springer-Verlag. [PDF]

Yen, J. 2000. Life in transition: balancing inertial and viscous forces by planktonic copepods. Biol. Bull. 198: 213-224. [PDF]

Bowman,M.J. R.E. Wilson, and J. Yen. 1999. Tribute to Akira Okubo. Guest Editors. Oceanography 12, No. 1, Preface:4-5. [PDF]

Braga, E.A., R. Zardoya, A. Meyer, and J. Yen. 1999. Mitochondrial and nuclear rRNA based copepod phylogeny with emphasis on the Euchaetidae (Calanoida). Marine Biology. 133: 79-90. [PDF]

Moore, P.A., D.M. Fields, and J. Yen. 1999. Physical constraints of chemoreception in foraging copepods. Limnol. Oceanography. 44:166-177. [PDF]

Yen, J. 1999. Tribute to Akira Okubo. From Coast to Coast: Akira Okubo’s Trek Across America. Oceanography 12: 29-33.[PDF]

Yen, J., M.J. Weissburg, and M.H. Doall. 1998. The fluid physics of signal perception by a mate-tracking copepod. Phil. Trans. Royal Society of London 353:787-804. [PDF]

Weissburg, M.J., M.H. Doall, and J. Yen. 1998. Following the invisible trail: Mechanisms of chemosensory mate tracking by the copepod Temora. Phil. Trans. Royal Society of London. 353: 701-712. [PDF]

Doall, M.H., S.P. Colin, J.R. Strickler, and J. Yen. 1998. Locating a mate in 3D: The case of Temora longicornis. Phil. Trans. Royal Society of London. 353: 681-689. [PDF]

Lonsdale, D.J., R.P. Hassett, F.C. Dobbs, and J. Yen. 1998. Physiological traits associated with a reproductive-resting stage in Coullana canadensis (Willey) Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Marine Biology 131: 123-131. [PDF]

Fields, D.M. and J. Yen. 1997. The escape behavior of marine copepods in response to a quantifiable fluid mechanical disturbance. J. Plankton Res. 19: 1289-1304. [PDF]

Fields, D.M. and J. Yen. 1997. Implications of the feeding current structure of Euchaeta rimana, a carnivorous pelagic copepod, on the spatial orientation of their prey. J. Plankton Res. 19: 79-95. [PDF]

Boxshall, G.A., J. Yen and J.R. Strickler. 1997. Functional significance of the sexual dimorphism in the array of setation elements along the antennules of Euchaeta rimana Bradford. Bull. Mar. Sci. 61: 387-398. [PDF]

Yen, J. and E.A. Bundock. 1997. Aggregative behavior in zooplankton: Phototactic swarming in 4 developmental stages of Coullana canadensis (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). In: “Animals Groups in Three Dimensions.” Edited by J. Parish and W. Hamner. Cambridge Press. Pp. 143-162. [PDF]

Leising, A. and J. Yen. 1997. Spacing mechanisms within light-induced copepod swarms. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 155: 127-135. [PDF]

Yen, J. and J.R. Strickler. 1996. Advertisement and concealment in the plankton: What makes a copepod hydrodynamically conspicuous? Invert. Biol.115: 191-205. [PDF]

Fields, D.M. and J. Yen. 1996. The escape behavior of Pleuromamma xiphias from a quantifiable fluid mechanical disturbance. Pp. 323-339. In: Lenz, PH, Hartline, DK, Purcell, JE, and DL Macmillan. Zooplankton: sensory ecology and physiology.

Zmijewska, M.I. and J. Yen. 1993. Seasonal and diel changes in the abundance and vertical distribution of the Antarctic copepod species Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus, Rhincalanus gigas, Euchaeta antarctica, and Metridia gerlachei (Calanoida) in Croker Passage (Antarctic Peninsula). Oceanologia 35:101-127.

Fields, D. and J. Yen. 1993. Outer limits and inner structure: The 3-dimensional flow fields of Pleuromamma xiphias. Bulletin of Marine Research 53: 84-95. [PDF]

Gassie, D.V., P.H. Lenz, J. Yen, and D.K. Hartline. 1993. Mechanoreceptors in zooplankton first antennae: Electrophysiological techniques. Bull. Mar. Res.53: 96-105. [PDF]

Lenz, P.H. and J. Yen. 1993. Distal setal mechanoreceptors of the first antennae of marine copepods. Bull. Mar. Res. 53: 170-179. [PDF]

Weissman, P., D.J. Lonsdale, and J. Yen. 1993. The effect of peritrich ciliates on the production of Acartia hudsonica (Pinhey) (Copepoda: Calanoida) in Long Island Sound. Limnology and Oceanography 38: 613-622. [PDF]

Yen, J., P.H. Lenz, D.V. Gassie, and D.K. Hartline. 1992. Mechanoreception in marine copepods: Electrophysiological studies on the first antennae. Journal of Plankton Research 14 (4): 495-512. [PDF]

Yen, J. and D. Fields. 1992. Escape responses of Acartia hudsonica nauplii from the flow field of Temora longicornis. Archiv f�r Hydrobiologie Beiheft 36: 123-134. [PDF]

Schultze, P.C., J.R., Strickler, B.I Bergstr�m, M.S. Berman, P. Donaghay, S. Gallager, J.F. Haney, B.R. Hargreave, U. Kils, G.-A. Paffenh�fer, S. Richman, H.A. Vanderploeg, W. Welsch, D. Wethey, J. Yen. 1992. Video-based instruments for in situ studies of zooplankton abundance, distribution, and behavior. Arch. Hydro. Beih. 36: 1-21.

Yen, J. 1991. Predatory feeding behavior of an Antarctic marine copepod, Euchaeta antarctica. Pp. 433-442. In: Sakshaug, E., C.C.E. Hopkins and N.A. �ritsland (eds.): Proceedings of the Pro Mare Symposium on Polar Marine Ecology, Trondheim, 12-16 May 1990. Polar Research 10(2). [PDF]

Yen, J., B.G. Sanderson, J.R. Strickler, and A. Okubo. 1991. Feeding currents and energy dissipation by Euchaeta rimana, a subtropical pelagic copepod. Limnol.Oceanogr.36: 362-369. [PDF]

Yen, J. and N.T. Nicoll. 1990. Setal array on the first antennae of a carnivorous marine copepod Euchaeta norvegica. Journal of Crustacean Biology 10(2):327-340. [PDF]

Yen, J. l988. Directionality and swimming speeds in predator-prey and male-female interactions of Euchaeta rimana, a subtropical marine copepod. Bull. Mar. Sci. 43(3):175-193. [PDF]

Yen, J. l987. Predation by Euchaeta norvegica Boeck on eggs and larvae of the North Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. Journal of experimental marine Biology and Ecology 112: 283-296. [PDF]

Yen, J. l985. Selective predation by the carnivorous marine copepod Euchaeta elongata: Laboratory measurements of predation rates verified by field observations of temporal/spatial feeding patterns. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30:577-595. [PDF]

Yen, J. l983. Effects of prey concentration, prey size, predator life stage, predator starvation and season on predation rates of the carnivorous marine copepod Euchaeta elongata. Marine Biology 75:69-77. [PDF]

Bailey, K.M. and J. Yen. l983. Predation by a carnivorous marine copepod, Euchaeta elongata Esterly, on eggs and larvae of the Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus. J. Plankt. Res. 5:71-82. [PDF]

Yen, J. l982. Sources of variability in attack rates of Euchaeta elongata Esterly, a carnivorous marine copepod. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 63:105-117. [PDF]

Yen, J. 1981. Sorption of plutonium-237 by two species of marine phytoplankton. J. Phycology 17: 346-352. [PDF]